For Broken Hearts

The blogosphere is filled, to overflowing, with broken hearts. Everyday, new expressions of sadness, despair or depression blame relationships that ended in a broken heart. When expectations are greater than reality, disappointment is destined to follow. Read the following words from the movie, “Practical Magic”. These words are in the introduction to a YouTube video: “Crystal” by Stevie Nicks. This song is extremely compelling and mystical. I will let the reader be the judge. Have a listen.

From Practical Magic:

He will hear my call from a mile away.
He will whistle my favorite song.
He can ride a pony backwards.

What are you doing?

Summoning up a true love spell;
Called Amas Veritas.
He can flip pancakes in the air.
He’ll be marvelously kind.
His favorite shape will be a star.
And he’ll have one green eye and one blue.

I thought you never wanted to fall in love.

What’s the point?
The guy I dreamed of doesn’t exist
And if he doesn’t exist,
I’ll never die of a broken heart.