A Readers Question about Prem Rawat

From a reader:

I am doing a lot of research on Prem Rawat himself to collect some information. I am surprised to see that a lot of information on Prem Rawat is not very flattering. Could you shed some light on this please? . . ./Thanks

Prem Rawat

Dear Reader,

I will shed what light I can from my personal experience.

One can never judge someone through another’s eyes. People sometimes say unflattering things about me and they have their personal reasons for viewing me so. I can only request that I be judged by my own actions and not the words of others. They have their own path to travel and I have mine. As my father once said: “you have to march to your own drummer”. What he meant was that you can’t take the low road based upon the views of others, but must take the high road based upon your own inner instincts.

Personally, I try to judge no one but accept others into my life based only upon how they treat me personally.

Many decades ago, I made a decision to take the path of the heart. I knew from a very young age that this was my path. I could feel it inside. It guided and protected me through my teen years and into my early twenties when I knew a decision would be made. It happened when I was 26 years old.

My decision was to accept and practice the Techniques of Knowledge that Prem Rawat showed me.

Knowing is the opposite of Believing. The whole world believes but no one really knows. All the religions are based upon one belief or another. Through this practice I was shown, I found my answers from within. The questions began to cease and the beliefs were no longer necessary. I could now see life through the lens of the heart.

He was known as Maharaji  and even then, people were criticizing him, as they do now. Now they have the internet as their tool. There will probably always be people who will criticize and slander.

This man showed me a way to experience a personal Peace in my life. For this, I have the greatest appreciation and gratitude.

I hope this helps.

What a most incredible and wonderful life we have been given.

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